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My Life In Cartoon…

Nothing Mika related here, just a cartoon which sums up my life at the minute… (Click to enlarge) Mega busy with work this week….  Days are being spent programming and project managing Big Day Out for the London Grid for Learning.  Evenings are...

5:13 Teaser Trailer is now online…

5:13, the film that we are currently editing on, is now available in Teaser Trailer form.  The trailer doesn’t give much away about the story, rather it demonstrates the style and the claustrophobia that the film conveys.  Having broken ground on the...

The Last Drive – CD/DVD Now Released

Last year, Chaos Created/Befour filmed and edited a music concert for DVD release for The Last Drive, a reformed rock/punk band who are massive in Greece and big in other European regions.  The DVD has now been officially released as part of a Live CD/DVD pack...

Bug Fixing, Updating, and BDO

Spending the week producing a final version of the Climate Change software, updating activities for a refresh of the i-board Numeracy project and producing a new activity for the Big Day Out project, which should be off to our artist Stuart later today (this...

Two New "Games" From Chaos Created

More of a heads up than a grand announcement, but we’re cracking on with two new products at the moment of our own.  The first is Melloweh which has been in stasis for a little while and in some form of development since 2004. Melloweh actually won a runner...