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TeenTech Account and Online Booking System

We built an online booking system, with an integrated accounts system, for TeenTech to allow students and schools to register for TeenTech Live online events and TeenTech Festivals.

At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, we helped TeenTech pivot to deliver exciting, engaging and highly interactive TeenTech Live virtual events which could be accessed from home (during lockdowns) and from the classroom. Managing the registrations for these events and corresponding with schools that had signed up for these events was initially a manual process, so in the summer of 2021, we developed a new account and event booking system for TeenTech.

The finished project has been game-changing for TeenTech, allowing students, parents, teachers and partners to register for a new TeenTech account and easily register for TeenTech Live events. Participants can manage their registrations, update participant details, and sign-up for notifications of upcoming events. We automated the entire event registration process, with confirmation emails being generated along with event-view links, reminders and follow-up emails, freeing up the project managers’ time to focus on the events themselves.

Read more about the project here.



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August 31, 2022