Chaos Created hosted and produced an engaging Live Panel Webinar for the Bristol & Beyond Stronger Practice Hub, entitled What Makes Working with Two-Year-Olds Unique. This event was tailored for the committed professionals in the early years education sector across Bristol and the surrounding regions, including Somerset, Gloucestershire, and Wiltshire.
The webinar was informative and celebrated the distinctive pleasures and challenges of working with two-year-olds. We were privileged to have esteemed experts like Julia Manning-Morton, Cassie Holland, and Mitch Cole join us. Their extensive expertise and insights were invaluable to the discussion.
The webinar’s interactive nature was amplified by YouTube’s live chat feature, which was seamlessly integrated into the live stream. This allowed our audience to participate actively, transforming them from passive viewers into contributors to the conversation. The live chat blossomed into a vibrant forum, brimming with the shared experiences and wisdom of early years practitioners and childminders. It was a testament to the collaborative spirit of the early years education community as they exchanged tips, stories, and strategies from their own settings.
Learn more about this event on our blog, catch up on the event here, and please do get in touch if you’d like to work with us on producing an engaging and highly interactive event for your company or organisation.